

Frequently Asked Questions

The main ingredients of our whitening gel are sodium hydrogen carbonate, glycerol, carrageenan powder, xylitol, sorbitol, menthol oil, cranberry oil, aloe vera gel, chamomile extract, cocamidopropyl betaine.

We brought our technology to Slovakia from the US. We have had it tested and it meets the highest standards set by the European Union. Whitening takes place in special chairs (egg pods) that are comfortable and intimate. First you clean your teeth with a menthol fingertip brush and right before the whitening process we apply a protective cream to your teeth, lips and gums. We put a sufficient amount of the gel into the mouthpiece and insert it in your mouth. Then you can just sit back comfortably and enjoy the whitening treatment while a UV LED light is beamed on the mouthpiece

We recommend teeth whitening to be repeated every 4 months. In case you follow all our recommendations and have healthy lifestyle, your visit is
not required any sooner than in four months. However, if you want to achieve better results, you can visit us more often

There is no proven influence of tooth decay on the results of teeth whitening, which means you can still visit us. Teeth whitening is not recommended to pregnant women or people with a weakened immune system, dehydrated people, those suffering from a herpes, mouth ulcers or mouth injury.

Teeth whitening is not recommended to pregnant women or people with a weakened immune system, dehydrated people, those suffering from a herpes, mouth ulcers or mouth injury.

Every dental replacement produced in a dental laboratory already has its own colour that your dentist had chosen for you. So it is unrealistic to expect any change in the colour of your dental replacement. In this case, however, it is possible to properly and professionally clean the dental replacement to remove all food and drink stains with airflow and dental hygiene tools. Therefore, we recommend you visit Premium dental hygiene service.

Because of tooth pigment, which changes with your lifestyle. If you like food and drinks containing a lot of pigments (e.g. coffee, tea, beetroot, ketchup, etc.), your teeth turn slightly yellow. Smoking and taking too much medication make the matters even worse. Your oral care and age are the other important factors.

Najväčším strašiakom bielych zubov je však fajčenie a časté užívanie liekov. Ďalšími dôležitými faktormi sú aj starostlivosť o chrup a vek každého jednotlivca.

Our teeth whitening procedure is nature-based. All the ingredients included in the whitening gels we use had undergone toxicity testing. Therefore there is no risk and no side effects.

During the process of teeth whitening, all the organic layers in tooth enamel are depigmented. The active substances contained in the whitening gel are activated through a special LED lamp. The layers in your tooth enamel are whitened one by one – first its surface, then other pigment layers.

If you want to be 100% sure we will be able to examine you, it is recommended to make an appointment. In case there is a free dental chair at the time you come, you will not need to make a reservation.

Dental hygiene is an effective method of treatment and prevention used in modern stomatology. This method helps people maintain their own teeth during whole life. The method is one of the cheapest and most effective forms of prevention of oral diseases.

It aims to prevent the damage of hard dental tissues – development of tooth decay, periodontium inflammation and gums inflammation. It also aims to maintain the hard and soft tissues treatment outcome. The development of hard and soft tissues diseases is usually caused by plaque. Apart from tooth decay, plaque is a common cause of periodontium inflammation. Bacteria survive in the plaque unless it is removed regularly – the bacteria thus can cause gums inflammation and tooth decay.

Dental hygiene is one of the best forms of prevention from different dental diseases. Regular dental hygiene and right oral care can prevent the development of tartar, reduce the risk of development of periodontitis or tooth decay.

Dental hygiene is not suitable for people suffering from a herpes, mouth ulcers or mouth injury.

Dental hygiene is the best form of periodontitis prevention and it can also bring a significant improvement of the disease situation. After a consultation, the patients suffering from periodontitis should undergo dental hygiene regularly, in frequent intervals.

Dentálna hygiena prebieha u nás v nasledovných krokoch. Upozorňujeme že naša dentálna hygiena netrvá 20 minút, ako veľa krát inde, ale o zuby Dentálna hygiena prebieha u nás v nasledovných krokoch. Upozorňujeme že naša dentálna hygiena netrvá 20 minút, ako veľa krát inde, ale o zuby sa ti poctivo postaráme.

1. Dentálna hygienička najskôr pacienta vyšetrí a informuje ho o stave ústnej dutiny. V Dental Brothers budete presne vedieť, čo sme vo vašej ústnej dutine urobili. Okrem toho, že naše dentálne hygieničky vám opíšu každý jeden vykonaný úkon vo vašej ústnej dutine, vytvoríme vám pomocou intraorálnej kamery fotku pred a po vyčistení zubov. Tým uvidíte pokrok a detailný záber, ktorý vám vyobrazí to, čo sme vo vašej ústnej dutine urobili. Ak je potrebné, dopomáhame si aj detektorom plaku, ktorý je účinným nástrojom na zvýšenie efektivity čistenia zubov.

2. Po vyšetrení sa zuby vyčistia ultrazvukom. Ultrazvuk funguje na princípe kmitania pri určitej frekvencii.

3. Zuby sa následne leštia, tzv. polishing, so špeciálnymi pastami. Pokiaľ je potrebné, pacientovi sa vykoná predtým airflow (pieskovanie). Tento prístroj funguje na základe vody a vzduchu pod určitým tlakom a za prístupu špeciálneho prášku. Zuby krásne vyleští a zbaví ich všetkých povlakov v čajov, kávy, vína a cigariet.

4. Po dôkladnom očistení zubného kameňa nasleduje čistenie medzizubných priestorov. To vykonávame pomocou zubnej nite, medzizubnej kefky a špeciálnych diamantových pások.

5. Po vyčistení medzizubných priestorov sa vykoná vyčistenie parovačkov. Ak ste dlho neabsolvovali dentálnu hygienu váš epitel môže byť poškodený. Baktérie tak prenikajú až do subgingviálnych priestorov, teda parovačkov, kde môžu spôsobiť vážne zápalové reakcie.

6. V predposlednom kroku prebieha fluoridácia, kde sa na zuby nanesie špeciálny gél s účinnými a výživnými látkami pre zuby.

7. Na záver hygienička pacienta vždy naučí, ako si zuby správne čistiť aj doma a aké pomôcky by na to mal používať.

Našim cieľom nie je len problém riešiť, ale taktiež mu predchádzať a udržiavať vaše zuby a ústnu dutinu vo výbornom stave. Preto vám do špeciálneho papierika vždy presne zaznačíme, ako a medzi aké zuby by ste mali používať medzizubné kefky. Taktiež vám odporučíme výber tej správnej zubnej kefky a ďalších pomôcok pre váš tvar a stav zubov a ústnej dutiny

Our procedure consists of several steps:

  1. Dental hygienist examines your teeth and oral cavity.
  2. Your teeth will be cleaned using ultrasound, operating on the principle of vibration at a certain frequency.
  3. The next step includes a detail teeth cleaning. Using various hand tools, the dental hygienist is able to reach the parts of the teeth you can not normally reach using only toothbrush.
  4. In the following step the teeth are polished using special toothpastes. If necessary, airflow procedure is carried out. The airflow tool works on the basis of water and air sprayed onto your teeth under a certain pressure using a special powder. The procedure polishes your teeth and removes all the plaque caused by coffee, tea, wine or cigarettes.
  5. The fifth step includes fluoride application. A special gel containing nutritional substances is applied all over your teeth.
  6. Finally, the dental hygienist instructs the patient in at-home dental care and shows him the right tools he/she should use

It all depends on the state of the patient’s oral cavity. If you take a regular care of your teeth, once every 6 months is enough. Those who do not take a proper care of their teeth, smoke or drink too much coffee should visit us more often.

Tongue cleaning is not as complicated as it may seem initially. If you follow these basic rules, you will easily prevent many health or aesthetic issues:

1. Clean your teeth using toothbrush and dental floss regularly.

2. While cleaning your tongue, gently brush it using toothbrush or tongue cleaner from the back to the front.

3. Do not use too much pressure – you should not feel any pain while tongue cleaning.

The aim of dental hygiene for children is to instruct the children in the proper way of tooth cleaning. You do not have to be afraid that the procedure will be uncomfortable or painful for your child. On the contrary, your child will first come into contact with a dentist undergoing a procedure that is not painful at all. The actual dental hygiene should first be carried out three years after the full permanent dentition.

If you want to be 100% sure we will be able to examine you, it is recommended to make an appointment. In case there is a free dental chair at the time you come, you will not need to make a reservation.

The main ingredients of our whitening gel are sodium hydrogen carbonate, glycerol, carrageenan powder, xylitol, sorbitol, menthol oil, cranberry oil, aloe vera gel, chamomile extract, cocamidopropyl betaine.

We brought our technology to Slovakia from the US. We have had it tested and it meets the highest standards set by the European Union. Whitening takes place in special chairs (egg pods) that are comfortable and intimate. First you clean your teeth with a menthol fingertip brush and right before the whitening process we apply a protective cream to your teeth, lips and gums. We put a sufficient amount of the gel into the mouthpiece and insert it in your mouth. Then you can just sit back comfortably and enjoy the whitening treatment while a UV LED light is beamed on the mouthpiece

We recommend teeth whitening to be repeated every 4 months. In case you follow all our recommendations and have healthy lifestyle, your visit is
not required any sooner than in four months. However, if you want to achieve better results, you can visit us more often

There is no proven influence of tooth decay on the results of teeth whitening, which means you can still visit us. Teeth whitening is not recommended to pregnant women or people with a weakened immune system, dehydrated people, those suffering from a herpes, mouth ulcers or mouth injury.

Teeth whitening is not recommended to pregnant women or people with a weakened immune system, dehydrated people, those suffering from a herpes, mouth ulcers or mouth injury.

Every dental replacement produced in a dental laboratory already has its own colour that your dentist had chosen for you. So it is unrealistic to expect any change in the colour of your dental replacement. In this case, however, it is possible to properly and professionally clean the dental replacement to remove all food and drink stains with airflow and dental hygiene tools. Therefore, we recommend you visit Premium dental hygiene service.

Because of tooth pigment, which changes with your lifestyle. If you like food and drinks containing a lot of pigments (e.g. coffee, tea, beetroot, ketchup, etc.), your teeth turn slightly yellow. Smoking and taking too much medication make the matters even worse. Your oral care and age are the other important factors.

Najväčším strašiakom bielych zubov je však fajčenie a časté užívanie liekov. Ďalšími dôležitými faktormi sú aj starostlivosť o chrup a vek každého jednotlivca.

Our teeth whitening procedure is nature-based. All the ingredients included in the whitening gels we use had undergone toxicity testing. Therefore there is no risk and no side effects.

During the process of teeth whitening, all the organic layers in tooth enamel are depigmented. The active substances contained in the whitening gel are activated through a special LED lamp. The layers in your tooth enamel are whitened one by one – first its surface, then other pigment layers.

If you want to be 100% sure we will be able to examine you, it is recommended to make an appointment. In case there is a free dental chair at the time you come, you will not need to make a reservation.

Dental hygiene is an effective method of treatment and prevention used in modern stomatology. This method helps people maintain their own teeth during whole life. The method is one of the cheapest and most effective forms of prevention of oral diseases.

It aims to prevent the damage of hard dental tissues – development of tooth decay, periodontium inflammation and gums inflammation. It also aims to maintain the hard and soft tissues treatment outcome. The development of hard and soft tissues diseases is usually caused by plaque. Apart from tooth decay, plaque is a common cause of periodontium inflammation. Bacteria survive in the plaque unless it is removed regularly – the bacteria thus can cause gums inflammation and tooth decay.

Dental hygiene is one of the best forms of prevention from different dental diseases. Regular dental hygiene and right oral care can prevent the development of tartar, reduce the risk of development of periodontitis or tooth decay.

Dental hygiene is not suitable for people suffering from a herpes, mouth ulcers or mouth injury.

Dental hygiene is the best form of periodontitis prevention and it can also bring a significant improvement of the disease situation. After a consultation, the patients suffering from periodontitis should undergo dental hygiene regularly, in frequent intervals.

Dentálna hygiena prebieha u nás v nasledovných krokoch. Upozorňujeme že naša dentálna hygiena netrvá 20 minút, ako veľa krát inde, ale o zuby Dentálna hygiena prebieha u nás v nasledovných krokoch. Upozorňujeme že naša dentálna hygiena netrvá 20 minút, ako veľa krát inde, ale o zuby sa ti poctivo postaráme.

1. Dentálna hygienička najskôr pacienta vyšetrí a informuje ho o stave ústnej dutiny. V Dental Brothers budete presne vedieť, čo sme vo vašej ústnej dutine urobili. Okrem toho, že naše dentálne hygieničky vám opíšu každý jeden vykonaný úkon vo vašej ústnej dutine, vytvoríme vám pomocou intraorálnej kamery fotku pred a po vyčistení zubov. Tým uvidíte pokrok a detailný záber, ktorý vám vyobrazí to, čo sme vo vašej ústnej dutine urobili. Ak je potrebné, dopomáhame si aj detektorom plaku, ktorý je účinným nástrojom na zvýšenie efektivity čistenia zubov.

2. Po vyšetrení sa zuby vyčistia ultrazvukom. Ultrazvuk funguje na princípe kmitania pri určitej frekvencii.

3. Zuby sa následne leštia, tzv. polishing, so špeciálnymi pastami. Pokiaľ je potrebné, pacientovi sa vykoná predtým airflow (pieskovanie). Tento prístroj funguje na základe vody a vzduchu pod určitým tlakom a za prístupu špeciálneho prášku. Zuby krásne vyleští a zbaví ich všetkých povlakov v čajov, kávy, vína a cigariet.

4. Po dôkladnom očistení zubného kameňa nasleduje čistenie medzizubných priestorov. To vykonávame pomocou zubnej nite, medzizubnej kefky a špeciálnych diamantových pások.

5. Po vyčistení medzizubných priestorov sa vykoná vyčistenie parovačkov. Ak ste dlho neabsolvovali dentálnu hygienu váš epitel môže byť poškodený. Baktérie tak prenikajú až do subgingviálnych priestorov, teda parovačkov, kde môžu spôsobiť vážne zápalové reakcie.

6. V predposlednom kroku prebieha fluoridácia, kde sa na zuby nanesie špeciálny gél s účinnými a výživnými látkami pre zuby.

7. Na záver hygienička pacienta vždy naučí, ako si zuby správne čistiť aj doma a aké pomôcky by na to mal používať.

Našim cieľom nie je len problém riešiť, ale taktiež mu predchádzať a udržiavať vaše zuby a ústnu dutinu vo výbornom stave. Preto vám do špeciálneho papierika vždy presne zaznačíme, ako a medzi aké zuby by ste mali používať medzizubné kefky. Taktiež vám odporučíme výber tej správnej zubnej kefky a ďalších pomôcok pre váš tvar a stav zubov a ústnej dutiny

Our procedure consists of several steps:

  1. Dental hygienist examines your teeth and oral cavity.
  2. Your teeth will be cleaned using ultrasound, operating on the principle of vibration at a certain frequency.
  3. The next step includes a detail teeth cleaning. Using various hand tools, the dental hygienist is able to reach the parts of the teeth you can not normally reach using only toothbrush.
  4. In the following step the teeth are polished using special toothpastes. If necessary, airflow procedure is carried out. The airflow tool works on the basis of water and air sprayed onto your teeth under a certain pressure using a special powder. The procedure polishes your teeth and removes all the plaque caused by coffee, tea, wine or cigarettes.
  5. The fifth step includes fluoride application. A special gel containing nutritional substances is applied all over your teeth.
  6. Finally, the dental hygienist instructs the patient in at-home dental care and shows him the right tools he/she should use

It all depends on the state of the patient’s oral cavity. If you take a regular care of your teeth, once every 6 months is enough. Those who do not take a proper care of their teeth, smoke or drink too much coffee should visit us more often.

Tongue cleaning is not as complicated as it may seem initially. If you follow these basic rules, you will easily prevent many health or aesthetic issues:

1. Clean your teeth using toothbrush and dental floss regularly.

2. While cleaning your tongue, gently brush it using toothbrush or tongue cleaner from the back to the front.

3. Do not use too much pressure – you should not feel any pain while tongue cleaning.

The aim of dental hygiene for children is to instruct the children in the proper way of tooth cleaning. You do not have to be afraid that the procedure will be uncomfortable or painful for your child. On the contrary, your child will first come into contact with a dentist undergoing a procedure that is not painful at all. The actual dental hygiene should first be carried out three years after the full permanent dentition.

If you want to be 100% sure we will be able to examine you, it is recommended to make an appointment. In case there is a free dental chair at the time you come, you will not need to make a reservation.