

We are a dental clinic
where your smile is our priority

Do you long for a perfect smile? Our goal is to do things differently – with quality and precision. We work in modern premises furnished with the most up-to-date equipment and are one of the few practices that are open every day, including weekends, from 7am to 9pm. So we think about people who don’t have time during the week and think about their oral health. Plus, the prices for services remain the same on weekends.

We provide superior services that will put a smile back on your face. We specialize in children, seniors, pregnant women or the medically handicapped. We have hassle free parking. We are simply here for everyone who loves to smile.

We accept new clients – from Slovakia and abroad, even without insurance. Our dental hygienists and doctors not only have experience from abroad, but speak 3 other world languages.

Prices are final, with no hidden fees.

Make an appointment for

All inclusive obsahuje Dentálnu hygienu a Bielenie zubov

Other services include the following treatments:

  • Treatment of incisional edges – 60€
  • Removal of white and brown stains from teeth – 200€ /session
  • Impregnation of the dental neck with bondo – 20€ /tooth
  • Outpatient teeth whitening – 199€ 300€ *
  • Fluoridation of teeth – 30€ /row of teeth
  • Aesthetic treatment with photocomposite – 50€ /tooth *
  • Sandblasting of teeth – airflow – 39€
  • Photocomposite veneers – 140€/tooth *
  • Sealing of teeth – 39€
  • Tooth jewellery – 59€ /stone

* Lowest price on the market

0 +
healthier smiles
0 +
whiter smiles

By taking proper and regular care of your teeth, you can prevent tooth decay or inflammatory gum disease and thus frequent visits to your dentist. Our dental hygiene routine includes many steps you won’t find anywhere else.

Price is final, with no hidden fees.

Lowest price on the market

Valid with code DH79

Our most popular service that combines a gentle, hydrogen peroxide-free method of teeth whitening with professional dental hygiene. You won’t find a better price for dental hygiene and teeth whitening, the lowest on the market.

The price is final, no hidden fees.


Lowest price on the market

Valid with code ALL115

We have brought to Slovakia an absolute novelty in teeth whitening. Modern technology ensures teeth whitening without side effects and respects strict EU standards.

The price is final, with no hidden charges.


Lowest price on the market

Valid with code BZ59

Other services

Okrem bezbolestného a šetrného bielenia zubov a profesionálnej dentálnej hygieny nájdete v našej ponuke aj doplnkové služby ako aplikácia kamienku na zub, pečatenie zubov, ktoré chráni zub pred zubným kazom, dentálnu hygienu pre budúce mamičky, lakovanie zubov a veľa ďalšieho.

Other services

In addition to painless and gentle teeth whitening and professional dental hygiene, our offer also includes additional services such as application of a pebble on the tooth, outpatient teeth whitening, tooth sealing, which protects the tooth from tooth decay, dental hygiene for expectant mothers, tooth varnishing, aesthetic treatment with photocomposite or photocomposite veneers with a price of only 140€ /tooth, which is the lowest price on the market.

About us

We are Dental Brothers

We are professionals in dental hygiene and teeth whitening in Slovakia. Our goal is to provide superior services in the field of teeth whitening and dental hygiene, which include an individual approach, customer education and various benefits that customers can use. We perform professional dental hygiene and gentle teeth whitening without hydrogen peroxide in our modern premises, using the most modern methods and technologies in our work.

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